Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (sometimes called 'quats' or 'QACs')
are a category of human-made chemicals. They have a variety of uses,
including controlling bacteria, viruses, and other germs on surfaces. This
fact sheet will refer to quaternary ammonium compounds as quats. For a list of all unique chemicals within
quats, and how they are grouped, see NPIC's page "What are
ammonium compounds?"
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) divides quats into four
categories based on their chemical structure. This fact sheet will discuss
two of the categories. One category is the didecyl dimethyl ammonium
chloride (DDAC) group.1,2 It contains five similar chemicals.2
Another category is the alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride (ADBAC)
group.1 This group contains 24 similar chemicals.3 Sometimes ADBAC
is called benzalkonium chloride, or BAC.4
Disinfectants sometimes have more than one quat in them. Researchers study ADBAC and DDAC together because
they behave similarly in the body and in the environment.5,6 This fact sheet
will mostly address the DDAC and ADBAC categories. If information about the two categories is combined, this
fact sheet will refer to them as "quats."
What are some products that contain quats?
disinfect surface with wipe, photo credit: National
Pesticide Information Center
Quats are used in antimicrobial products and are considered pesticides. These include disinfectants and
sanitizers that kill bacteria and viruses on surfaces. See NPIC's fact sheet about antimicrobials for general information. There are over
pesticide products
containing quats.7
are found in ready-to-use sprays, aerosols, wipes, wettable powders, soluble concentrates, and
Depending on the product, quats may be used in homes, schools, medical offices, industrial sites, and on
processing equipment. Some are used to kill fungi, algae, mold, and mildew. Some products are used in
pools, watering lines, and industrial water systems to prevent the growth of algae and other
The first antimicrobial pesticide containing a quaternary
ammonium compound
was registered in 1947.3
Medical products and cosmetics may also contain quats. This includes prescription and over-the-counter
like lotion, topical antiseptics, and nasal sprays which are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug
(FDA).5 Even if
contain quats, medical products and cosmetics are different
than antimicrobial products. Antimicrobial products are pesticides and should never be used on people.
read and follow your product's label directions.
Technical Grade Quaternary Ammonium Compounds:
This fact
sheet refers to the technical grade, or "pure"
quats only. Products you buy from the store include other ingredients as well. While
the chemicals used as other ingredients may not pose health or environmental risks, some of them
toxic. In some cases, the other ingredients can pose greater risks than the active ingredient
How do quats work?
Quats kill germs including bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms that could make us sick. They work by
breaking open the membranes of bacteria and outer coatings of viruses. A membrane is the outside layer of a
bacteria cell. Breaking the membrane causes cell death. The length of time it takes to kill germs depends on
quat and its concentration.8,9 Some quats must touch a germ for minutes before
the germ dies.9
Reducing Antimicrobial Risks
Any chemical, including any
pesticide, can pose risks to people, pets, or the
environment. Understanding pesticide
risk will
help you take steps
minimize it.
The risk of a pesticide depends on two things,
exposure (how much?) and toxicity (how
poisonous?). The exposure is the amount you
get in or on your body, or the amount that is
released into the environment. The toxicity of
a pesticide is a measure of how poisonous it is
to people or the environment. Even products
that are low in toxicity can be hazardous if the
exposure is high enough. Take steps to lower
your chance of exposure to reduce your risk.
How can I use quats effectively to kill germs?
Always read and follow the label directions when using antimicrobial
products. The concentration and mixture of a specific product will affect which germs it can control. Check
make sure the types of germs you want to control are listed on your product's label. Check the label for
time. This is the amount of time a surface must
stay visibly wet to kill germs. It may also be called called dwell time. Antimicrobial products are not
typically meant to be sprayed in the air to kill germs.
How might I be exposed to quats?
You may be exposed to quats while using a product at work, at home, or in school. You could get it on your
while handling disinfectant wipes or if you touch a wet surface. You might breathe in droplets if someone is
spraying a product nearby. You could also get it in your eyes if there are droplets in the air, or if you
accidentally touch your eyes with wet hands. You could ingest quats if you eat food that was prepared on a
surface where the product was used.
Quats are not applied directly to food crops. However, some products containing quats are used to disinfect
processing equipment. They should only be used on surfaces that contact food if it is stated on the product
label. The EPA has set limits for quat residues on food processing equipment.2,3
These limits are designed to keep residue that gets on food very low.
IMPORTANT: Always follow
instructions and take steps to minimize
exposure. If any exposures occur, be sure to follow the First
Aid instructions on the product label carefully. For additional treatment advice, contact
the Poison
Center at 800-222-1222. If you wish to discuss
problem, please call
NPIC at 800-858-7378.
What are some signs and symptoms from a brief exposure to quats?
If on the skin
When they get on the skin, quats are low in toxicity.2,3
This means it
would take a very large amount on the skin before someone became sick or died. However,
can be severely
irritating or corrosive to the skin.2,3
The effects depend on the concentration
of quats in a formula. See the text box on Technical Grade Quats.
Researchers who applied ADBAC (a category of quats) to the skin of rats did not observe
effects in other
parts of the animals' bodies. The concentration of ADBAC used to test this was not high
enough to be
extremely irritating to skin.13
Concentrations of 0.1-0.5% ADBAC are irritating to mucous membranes, such as the lining
the mouth and
nose. Concentrations of ADBAC above 10% can damage the surface of mucous
Concentrations of 80% or more ADBAC and DDAC (categories of quats) were corrosive to the
skin of
Products with less than 10% concentration of ADBAC are irritating to the skin.12
Some people who got products containing quats on their skin reported burning,
rash, itching,
redness, blistering, and numbness.6
Skin sensitization is an allergic reaction after repeated contact with a substance.
Substances that cause
this are called sensitizers. Regulatory agencies do not consider ADBAC and DDAC (categories
quats) to be skin
sensitizers based on animal studies.2,3,5 However, some human experiments have
found sensitization after people were exposed to quats:
When researchers applied concentrations of 0.25% DDAC to mouse skin it activated cells
can cause
overreaction (hypersensitivity) in the skin.14
Workers who were exposed regularly to products containing quats have reported
Scientists tested quats on the skin of human volunteers. In their study, 5.5% of
participants aged 7-90
years tested positive for sensitization from quats. They concluded that skin
from quats may be
more common than previously believed.15
A health care worker developed eczema after using disinfectants that included DDAC. Her
showed a
similar reaction when doctors intentionally applied DDAC to it. Her symptoms went away
she stopped
using the products.16
People who have inhaled products containing quats have reported irritation in the
lungs, nose, and
throat. They have also reported coughing, shortness of breath, dizziness, headache,
Mice that inhaled quats for 30 minutes had shallower breathing compared to unexposed
When exposed to
higher doses of quats, they also developed more inflammatory cells in their lung
fluid.10 See the text box about pesticide risk.
People who have swallowed products containing quats reported irritation or burning
mouth, nose, and
throat. They also reported headache, dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting,
excessive salivation
or drooling.6,11
Ingesting concentrated quats may cause ulcers of mucous membranes (like the inside
nose, mouth, and
stomach) and bloody vomit. In serious cases it may cause low blood pressure,
confusion, and
difficulty breathing. Death may occur within 1 to 2 hours after ingestion of
Five elderly people accidentally ingested a disinfectant product containing a 10%
of quats. One of
them, an 84-year-old woman, died three hours later. She had damage to her mouth,
If in the eyes
Quats can be irritating or corrosive to eye tissue depending on the
People who got products containing quats in their eyes have reported irritation,
pain, and
Concentrations of 0.1-0.5% DDAC (a category of quats) are irritating to the eyes of
When researchers applied 80% DDAC to the eyes of rabbits, they developed severe
and scarring
within one hour.5
For more information about how NPIC finds scientific studies, see our page on Writing
NPIC Fact Sheets.
The highlighted/shaded boxes in the table below
reflect the toxicity classification (high, moderate, low, or very low) of exposure by the route indicated in
the left-hand column. Toxicity classifications do not reflect chronic, or long term, exposure or effects.
CLASSIFICATION - Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (ADBAC/DDAC)2,3 (see the text
box about mg/kg)
High Toxicity
Moderate Toxicity
Low Toxicity
Very Low Toxicity
Acute Oral LD50
≤ 50 mg/kg
> 50-500 mg/kg
> 500-5000 mg/kg
>5000 mg/kg
Inhalation LC50
≤ 0.05 mg/L
> 0.05-0.5 mg/L
> 0.5-2.0 mg/L
> 2.0 mg/L
Dermal LD50
≤ 200 mg/kg
> 200-2000 mg/kg
> 2000-5000 mg/kg
> 5000 mg/kg
Primary Eye Irritation
Corrosive (irreversible destruction of ocular tissue) or corneal
involvement or
persisting for more than 21 days
Corneal involvement or other eye irritation clearing in 8 - 21 days
Corneal involvement or other eye irritation clearing in 7 days or less
Minimal effects clearing in less than 24 hours
Primary Skin Irritation
Corrosive (tissue destruction into the dermis and/or scarring)
Severe irritation at 72 hours (severe erythema or edema)
Moderate irritation at 72 hours (moderate erythema)
Mild or slight irritation at 72 hours (no irritation or
You may be wondering why the "High Toxicity" column has smaller
numbers than the "Low Toxicity"
column. This is because if a smaller amount of the pesticide caused a health effect, it's
toxic. If it takes a larger amount of the pesticide to cause a health effect, it's less
"Mg/kg" is a way to measure a chemical dose. This can tell us how toxic a chemical
is. "Mg" means
of a chemical. "Kg" means one kilogram of an animal's body weight. Something that is
highly toxic
kill a
person with a very small amount of chemical. If something is very low in toxicity,
it may take much
that same person to
become very sick or die.
LD50/LC50: A
common measure of acute toxicity is the lethal dose (LD50) or lethal concentration
(LC50) that
causes death (resulting from a single or limited exposure) in 50 percent of test animals.
is generally expressed as the dose in milligrams (mg) of chemical per kilogram (kg) of body
weight. LC50 is often expressed as mg of chemical per volume (e.g., liter (L)) of
medium (i.e.,
air or water) the animal is exposed to. Chemicals are considered highly toxic when the
is small and less toxic when the value is large.
What happens to quats when they
enters the body?
Small amounts of quats can pass through human skin.13,17
When researchers applied a solution of 0.1% DDAC (a category of quats) to human skin, 9.4% penetrated
skin after 24 hours.17
Researchers concluded that skin absorbs about 10% of ADBAC and DDAC (categories of quats). This is
the concentration of ADBAC or DDAC is not corrosive, meaning not concentrated enough to damage the
One study found that single and repeated four-hour skin exposures to concentrated quats made skin more
permeable. This means it was easier for chemicals to be absorbed through it. The experiment used
skin samples from donors.18
Quats are not absorbed well when eaten. The body quickly excretes most of the chemical.13,17
Researchers expect the body to absorb 10% or less of ingested quats when the concentration of quats is
When researchers fed quats to rats, the rats' digestive systems absorbed 3-7% of the chemical.5
Quats mostly stay in the digestive tract when eaten. Small amounts may get into the kidney and liver but
quickly removed.13,17
In one case of a fatal poisoning, a woman who drank quats had them in her blood within three hours of
drinking them.11
Laboratory animals who ate quats excreted 80-90% in their feces, 3-8% in their urine, and 2-4% in their
bile. They excreted most from their body within 24 to 72 hours. Both the time it took, and the amount
depended on the type of quat ingested.13,17
In one study, researchers found no traces of quats in the body 7 days after an exposure.17
Most quats are excreted from the body unchanged.19
There are not many studies about absorption of quats when inhaled. Some researchers concluded that the
size of quat particles prevents them from being absorbed by the lungs because they stay in the upper
system. However, other researchers think smaller quat particles can move deeper into the lungs.19
Researchers tested the blood of 43 volunteers from a college campus for quats, including ADBAC and DDAC. They
found that 35 of the volunteers had at least one type of quat in their blood. The amount of quats detected
volunteers' blood varied widely.20
Are quats likely to contribute to the development of cancer or birth defects?
The US EPA classified ADBAC (a category of quats) as not likely to cause cancer in humans. They classified
DDAC (a category of quats) as non-carcinogenic in humans.21
Several studies on rats and mice concluded that eating quats did not increase cancer risk.5,13,17 ADBAC and
DDAC also did not cause gene mutations.13,17
Has anyone studied the developmental and reproductive effects of quats?
Regulatory agencies who evaluate ADBAC and DDAC (categories of quats) do not consider them reproductive or
developmental toxins.5,13,17 Although some animal experiments have found effects on development and fertility,
most studies concluded that quats have no effect on development and fertility when the exposure is less than what
would also make the mothers visibly sick.5,13,17,22,23,24 There are currently no human studies about the developmental
or reproductive effects of quats available.
Effects on reproduction
Researchers force-fed female rats different amounts of ADBAC and DDAC (categories of quats) during pregnancy. They did not see any effects in the fetuses. The mother rats fed 10 or more mg/kg/day of DDAC or 30 or more mg/kg/day of ADBAC gained less weight and ate less food. They also appeared visibly sick.5
Several studies looked at the effects of exposure to quats over two generations of rats. In these studies, male and female rats ate different amounts of either ADBAC or DDAC starting up to 10 weeks before they mated until the pups of their offspring were weaned. The rats that ate more quats weighed less or gained less weight and ate less food. None of the experiments found effects on reproduction.5
Researchers fed rats either ADBAC or DDAC continuously in their food for two generations at doses of up to 118 mg/kg of ADBAC or 91 mg/kg of DDAC. There were no effects on the rats’ survival or fertility.24
Two studies tested the effects of exposure to cleaning products containing quats on mice. They kept the mice in cages cleaned with a commercial cleaning product and force-fed them the product. The researchers found declines in pregnancies and sperm counts at concentrations that also made the mice sick.25,26
Other researchers have criticized these studies for not using rigorous, repeatable methods in their study.22 This means that other
factors besides the disinfectant exposure could have caused the results.
Effects on development
In one experiment, pregnant rats and rabbits were fed DDAC (a category of quats) at doses that were toxic to them. They had more dead fetuses and fetuses with lower body weight than unexposed pregnant rats and rabbits.5
In another experiment, feeding pregnant rats and rabbits ADBAC (a category of quats) did not lead to effects on the fetuses even when the doses fed to the mother rats and rabbits were high enough to make them visibly sick.5
Scientists fed pregnant rats and rabbits ADBAC or DDAC daily for 9 days in the middle of their pregnancies. The treatments did not cause fetal malformations or affect growth or number of live fetuses in either rabbits or rats. Mothers fed ADBAC were visibly sick at doses of 30 mg/kg/day for the rabbits and 9 mg/kg/day for the rats. Mothers fed DDAC were visibly sickened by doses of 3 mg/kg/day or more for rats, and 10 mg/kg/day for
Other scientists fed mother rats 120 mg/kg/day starting before pregnancy until they gave birth. This is considered a high dose. They found that ADBAC crossed the placenta and changed sterol and lipid levels in the developing brain.27
What are some other non-cancer effects of exposure to quats?
Effects when eaten
Researchers fed rats, mice, and beagle dogs quats at doses of up to 225.5 mg/kg/day for up to 90 days. At
doses, animals lost weight and ate less food. The scientists thought this may be because quats are
irritating to
the stomach and mucous membranes. The animals at the highest dose died more often.5
Effects when inhaled
Scientists have done studies on both humans and laboratory animals to look at the effects of breathing in
Studies in humans looked at people who used products containing quats, like disinfectants and cleaning
Because the products they used are mixtures of quats and other ingredients, the effects could be related to
quats, the other ingredients, or both.
Scientists made rats inhale DDAC (a category of quat) by pumping it into their air. Depending on the
the air concentrations ranged from 0.11 to 3.6 milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3) of air and the
lasted from 2 to 13 weeks. Some of the rats weighed less, had damage to nose tissue and lung cells, had
inflammation in their lungs, or had a type of inflammatory pneumonia. Specifically, the study found
interstitial pneumonia which is a type of pneumonia not caused by an infection.5
Some scientists have concluded that quats are unlikely to cause allergic reactions in the respiratory
system, also known as respiratory sensitization.13,17 However,
reviewed cases of patients who had both occupational asthma and were exposed to quats. They
exposed the patients to products containing ADBAC and DDAC, then measured their lung function. Their
respiratory system and lung function showed respiratory sensitization.28
Several studies found asthma was more common in workers who used cleaning products containing quats
with workers who didn't.29,30 Using quats also had more nasal symptoms like
runny noses and sneezing.29
Some nurses developed asthma or had their asthma symptoms get worse after working with products
Workers in
factories making quat products have also been
The Nurses' Health Study II followed the health of thousands of female nurses over many years. One
of the study's data looked at nurses who had been at their jobs for many years and developed asthma. It
found that nurses who developed asthma were not more likely to use quats frequently than nurses who did
develop asthma.33
A second analysis of the Nurses' Health Study II looked at female nurses who already had asthma. Nurses
used quats at work did not have a harder time controlling their asthma than nurses who did not use quats
However, female
nurses who used cleaning products at work, including
those with quats, had higher rates of chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD).35
Quats have been found at very low concentrations in breast milk. Samples were collected just prior to the
COVID-19 pandemic.36
Are children more sensitive to
quats than adults?
The US EPA has concluded that children are not more sensitive to quats than adults.2,3 However,
children may act in ways that make them more likely to be
exposed. For example, they may be more likely to put their hands in their mouths after touching treated
areas. Children should not apply antimicrobial sprays or use antimicrobial wipes.
What happens to quats in the environment?
Scientists expect ADBAC and DDAC (categories of quats) to biodegrade in the environment.37,38 The amount of
time this takes depends on the specific chemical, its
concentration, and the presence of microbes.38,39
Scientists expect ADBAC (a category of quats) will typically break down
before it reaches waterways.3 However, researchers have found ADBAC present in
river water downstream from wastewater treatment and
pharmaceutical manufacturing sites.40,41
Water and light do not break down quats very effectively.2,3
DDAC (a category of
quats) breaks down in water that has oxygen. More than 70% of it broke down in 28
half-life of DDAC in flooded river water was 180 days for water with
oxygen and 261 days for water without oxygen.8
half-life of ADBAC in water at
pH 9 is 379 days, and 150-183 days at pH 5 and pH 7.3
Quats are not expected to turn into a vapor and get into the air after
have dried.2,3
The amount of time quats last in the soil depends on the compound as well as
conditions. DDAC (a
category of quats) in sandy loam soil with microbes had a half-life of 1,048
ADBAC (a category of quats) broke down in 13 days in soil with
microbes.3 In flooded sandy
loam soil without air, ADBAC did not degrade well.
Its half-life was 1,815 days.37
ADBAC and DDAC bind tightly to soil and sediment particles. This means they do not move
through soil and
should not move through soil into groundwater.2,3,43
One study tested a variety
of soils and found that higher levels of clay in soil led to more binding and reduced
in the
In river soil, the half-life of quats is 11 days for non-clay soil, and
days for clay
DDAC (a category of quats) is moderately to highly toxic to fish, depending on the specific
ADBAC (a category of quats) is highly toxic to fish.3
Scientists exposed fish (Orzias latipes) to the same levels of ADBAC they found in surface water near a
pharmaceutical manufacturing plant. They exposed the eggs and young fish for a total of 38 days. The fish
not have changes in survival, growth, or reproduction up to concentrations of 113.4 μg/L of ADBAC.
did have changes in their genes that indicated ADBAC was disrupting estrogen when the fish were exposed to
μg/L ADBAC.41
tightly to soil and to dissolved sediment in
water.2,3 This may
them less available to fish and other aquatic
ADBAC and DDAC are highly toxic to aquatic invertebrates.3,8 Products with
and DDAC are used to kill algae, barnacles, and mollusks such as mussels.2,3,7
Because they bind to sediment, quats may accumulate in the bodies of animals, like mussels, that filter
containing sediment.8
Scientists exposed water fleas (Daphnia magna) for 21 days to the same levels of ADBAC they found in
surface water near a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant. The water fleas did not have any changes to
growth, or reproduction when exposed up to 10.8 μg/L of ADBAC.41
Terrestrial animals (birds and mammals)
Quats do not accumulate in the bodies of most animals.8 Quats are
when birds ingest them.3,8
They are only slightly toxic to mammals.3
DDAC is low in toxicity to bees. No information was available on the toxicity of ADBAC to bees. The US EPA
decided that honeybee studies done on DDAC should also apply to ADBAC.45
See the text box on Ecotoxicity Classifications and Honeybee Ratings.
The highlighted/shaded boxes in the
table below reflect the severity of toxic effects (high, moderate, low, or very low) on birds, fish, and
other wildlife mentioned in this fact sheet.
Honeybee (direct contact or oral exposure) Acute
≤ 2 μg/bee
> 2-11 μg/bee
> 11 μg/bee
You may be wondering why the "High Toxicity" column has
smaller numbers than
"Low Toxicity"
column. This is because if a smaller amount of the pesticide caused a health
effect, it's
toxic. If it takes a larger amount of the pesticide to cause a health
effect, it's less
For more detailed information about quats please visit the list of referenced
resources below, call the National Pesticide Information Center, Monday - Friday, 8:00am -
Pacific Time (11:00am - 3:00pm Eastern Time) at 800-858-7378, or visit us on the web at
npic.orst.edu. NPIC
science-based answers to questions
about pesticides.
Date published: February 14, 2023; updated November 2023
Please cite as: Cocks, M., Gervais, J.; Cross, A.; Jenkins, J.; Mermer, S. 2023.
Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (ADBAC and DDAC) Fact
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PR Notice 88-2: Clustering of Quaternary Ammonium Compounds;
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Reregistration Eligibility Decision for Aliphatic Alkyl Quaternaries
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Prevention, U.S. Government Printing Office: Washington, DC, 2006.
Reregistration Eligibility Decision for Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium
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Product Chemistry, Environmental Fate, and Ecological Effects Scoping
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Anderson, S. E.; Shane, H.; Long, C.; Lukomska, E.; Meade, B. J.; Marshall, N. B. Evaluation of the
Irritancy and Hypersensitivity Potential Following Topical Application of Didecyldimethylammonium
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Potential Designated Chemicals: Quaternary Ammonium Compounds Materials
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Hrubec, T. C.; Seguin, R. P.; Xu, L.; Cortopassi, G. A.; Datta, S.; Hanlon, A. L.; Lozano, A. J.;
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