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Spotted Lanternflies

The spotted lanternfly is an invasive insect that’s a nuisance to many, particularly agriculture. Populations are currently found in 17 states: Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Though they aren’t known to spread plant pathogens (diseases), they may weaken plants they feed on. They leave behind a sticky fluid (honeydew) that can cause a fungal disease (sooty mold). Weakened plants are more likely to be harmed by other pests or pathogens. Spotted lanternflies can also be a nuisance when they form large groups on trees and other objects. The sticky fluid they excrete can get on objects like vehicles and furniture.

Spotted lanternflies are invasive and a major concern in many states, especially in areas where they have not yet been detected. If you find a spotted lantern fly, reach out to your state department of agriculture to find out how to report the sighting. States may also have quarantines in effect to reduce the spread.


It’s hard to prevent spotted lanternflies from coming onto a property, but there are methods you can use to manage them. Here of some of the most effective methods:

Use traps to protect specific trees
  • Traps can catch nymphs and adults as they climb the tree trunk. They can also serve to monitor for the presence of spotted lanternflies.
  • Set traps early to capture the nymphs as they emerge from the egg masses. Contact a local expert to learn about the best time to set traps in your area.
  • While a trap may capture spotted lanternflies, it can’t fully prevent a population from inhabiting that tree. Keep in mind that adults can fly into higher branches and that egg masses might have been laid above the trap in the tree canopy.
  • There are different types of traps. Learn how to make your own circle traps and sticky band traps.
Destroy egg masses
  • Prevent the spread of spotted lanternflies by destroying egg masses.
  • Late fall is a good time to destroy egg masses, after flies are killed by freezing temperatures and before the eggs have hatched.
  • Spotted lanternflies lay their eggs on hard surfaces like plastic, metal, and wood. Check tree trunks, branches, rocks, lawn furniture, and other outdoor surfaces for egg masses. Look on the underside of objects like branches.
  • Egg masses are about 1 1/2 in. long x 3/4 in. wide and grayish, resembling mud, and may contain up to 50 eggs.
  • To eliminate eggs, smash or burn them, or scrape them into a container with rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer to prevent hatching.
  • Even though removing egg masses within reach will not eliminate infestations, it can still reduce the numbers significantly.
  • Be sure to confirm the egg mass is from a spotted lanternfly. There are many beneficial insects that lay egg masses on bark and other hard surfaces.
Physically remove adult spotted lanternflies
  • In residential yards and gardens, experts recommend killing lanternflies that you can reach or leaving them for predators to eat.
  • Physical removal is preferable to pesticides because pesticides will not kill all of them and can also harm non-target species.
  • Use a vacuum to physically remove adult lanternflies. They may survive the vacuum process, so be careful when emptying the vacuum. Consider leaving the vacuum alone for a few days to ensure they are dead before emptying the vacuum bag. Spotted lanternflies can only live for about two days if they do not have a plant to feed on.
  • Knock spotted lanternflies off plants with strong water sprays or put them into a container of soapy water.
  • You can also destroy adults and nymphs by simply crushing them with gloved hands, stomping on them, and/or smashing them with a fly swatter or racket.
  • For infestations in residential areas, consider the above tips before using pesticides. If you choose to use a pesticide, be sure to read and follow all label directions.
  • If you need help identifying or controlling spotted lanternfly, contact your local county extension office for assistance. Many extension agents are monitoring the spread of invasive species and can help identify pests.
Last updated: January 24, 2025

Spotted Lanterflies

  • Spotted lanternfly are highly invasive! Identify the pest and report spotted lanternfly infestations to the proper authorities.
  • Destroy egg masses by putting them in a resealable bag with rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer.
  • Consider using traps to reduce infestations in specific trees. Types of traps include circle traps and sticky band traps.
  • Destroy nymphs and adults by crushing or stomping on them. Put adults picked off by hand into a container of soapy water.
  • Vacuum them up and empty the vacuum into the trash. Note: they can sometimes survive the vacuum process, so be careful when emptying the vacuum.
  • Knock them off plants using a hose or water sprayer.
  • If you choose to use a pesticide, always follow the label. Try a lower toxicity product first.
  • If you have a pesticide product in mind, have your label handy and click here for information about that product.

Spotted Lanternfly Biology and Behavior


  • Spotted lanternflies can jump from one surface to another.
  • Adults are approximately 1 inch long and 0.5 inches wide when not moving or flying.
  • Adults have two sets of wings. The top (forewings) are gray with black spots and outlined wing tips. The bottom (hind) are red and black and contain a white band. Their abdomen is black, with yellow bands between segments.
  • They hold their wings closed over their bodies when they are not in flight.
  • Spotted lanternflies in their earlier stages (1st-3rd instar) can be identified by the white spots on a black body. As they mature (4th instar), they develop red patches.


  • In the states where spotted lanternflies are currently found, they produce one generation per year.
  • Egg masses contain 30-50 eggs. They may lay eggs on multiple surfaces, including tree bark, stones, and man-made structures, typically from September until early November.
  • Eggs overwinter until nymphs emerge in spring.
  • Young spotted lanternfly nymphs feed on tender plant tissue from different kinds of plants. Some stay in the canopy of the tree where they hatched, while others move to the ground and feed on the plants there.
  • There are four development phases, known as nymphal instars. Once spotted lanternflies reach the 4th instar, they begin feeding on woody plant tissues from a narrower range of plant hosts.
  • Adults emerge in the summer and are most active during summer through fall, depending on the location.
  • Both nymphs and adults are strong jumpers, they can jump several feet at a time.


  • Spotted lanternflies feed on the sap of a variety of plants, primarily vines, trees, and other woody plants. These include Tree of heaven, maples, river birch, grapevines, willow, black cherry, and black walnut.
  • As they feed, spotted lanternflies excrete honeydew which can attract bees, wasps, and other insects. The honeydew can also create sooty mold, a type of fungi that weakens the host plant.
  • They do not usually kill trees or host plants, but the stress caused by the lanternflies feeding on plants can cause plant health to decline. Death of the plant is possible.
  • They do not bite or sting, and they don’t chew leaves.
  • Spotted lanternfly can be a threat to agriculture, primarily viticulture.
  • Spotted lanternflies can only survive for about two days off plants.
  • They are not wood-boring pests of homes or other structures.
  • Improve health of vulnerable plants by properly watering, maintaining soil health and correct mulching. This can help them withstand the impacts of a lanternfly infestation.

Prevent spread

  • Check your belongings when traveling. Spotted lanternflies and egg masses may be found on vehicles, recreational gear, and/or other outdoor gear.
    • If you find the flies, crush or step on them.
    • If you find egg masses, scrape them off the surface and put them in a bag with rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer.
  • Report any findings to the proper agency.
These images are graciously allowed to be used by NPIC by Bugwood.org. Images included in the Bugwood Network Image Archives (ForestryImages.org, IPMImages.org, Invasive.org, and InsectImages.org) are made available under a Creative Commons license. Individual photographers retain all rights to images included in the archive.

County Extension Offices

Through its county agents, the Cooperative Extension Service gives individuals access to the resources at land-grant universities across the nation. These universities are centers for research in many subjects, including entomology (the study of insects) and agriculture. Each county within the United States has an Extension office, which is staffed with agents who work closely with university-based Extension specialists to deliver answers to your questions about gardening, agriculture, and pest control.

NPIC answers common questions asked by the public about pests and pesticides. This information is intended to be educational in nature and helpful to consumers for making informed decisions about pesticide use.

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